Call for ONB Labs Web Residency 2022.
Deadline for submissions is 19. 04. 2022.
ONB Labs is pleased to announce our Web Residency programme 2022. The programme is part of the Open Digital Library project and funded by the European Union.
We invite artists to submit a proposal for a six-week Web Residency project related to our digital collections of “Wiener Zeitung” (1780-1881) and/or of aerial photographs from the 1930s “Österreich aus der Luft”. The proposed project should aim for a critical and creative engagement with data sets from the ONB Labs, culminating in a web-based work that will be exhibited online in the ONB Labs Artspace.

Artistic approaches of all formats, whether they might be digital, physical, sculptural, poetic or conceptual are encouraged; the only requirements are that the final result needs to be exhibited online and relates to the ONB Labs collections of the call. For further informations about collections and available data see the call on the Labs Website.
Selected projects will be supported with 850 Euro for the final artwork.
Timeline & Application
CALL OPEN UNTIL 19.04.2022
WEB RESIDENCY 02.05.2022 – 12.06.2022
Applications can be submitted as PDF to including.
For further details on the Call, the Selection Process and the Terms & Conditions please visit the the call on the Labs Website.